Leadership Council

The Leadership Council consists of nine elected congregational members who serve as the governing body of the congregation. The primary responsibilities of the Leadership Council are to:

1) act in all matters pertaining to the legal and general welfare of the congregation, in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws and Policies,

2) oversee that all activities of the church reflect the purpose and mission of the congregation,

3) concern itself with the implementation of the mission, vision, budget and plans adopted by the Voters’ Assembly, and

4) appoint any entity required, and to have authority over all boards, committees, task forces, action teams, and other entities of the congregation.


Leadership Council

President: Lois Forde-Kohler
Vice President: Kristi Krawec
Secretary: Carol LaDuke
Treasurer: Tony Cantor

Members-At-Large:  Tim Cromell, Ellie Iwasawa, Larry Robinson, Jeff Thomas, Dave Yates

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